Tag Archives: Betty Ford Children’s Program

Children of Addicts: The Innocent Victims



Eye on Addiction Radio
Show #2



Matthew, Children of Addicts
“I want kids to know it’s not easy when your parent drinks and uses drugs but you can make good choices and you can love your parent and hate the addiction.  I want kids to really understand it’s not their fault and that they don’t have to follow their parent’s footsteps.”

Children of Addicts:
The Innocent Victims

Guest: David Meggitt
Program manager, Betty Ford Colorado Children’s program

Listen to Matthew and his Mom tell their story


We had the honor of sitting in on a portion of the Betty Ford Children’s Program. Needless to say, we were very impressed. Our guest David Meggitt has a genuine passion for children of addicts and alcoholics and has made this his life’s work. Listen to David, along with our very special guests Denise and her son Matthew as they tell their story and give hope to others.


Siblings: The Forgotten Ones by Joe Herzanek

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