Recovery Thought
“AA just doesn’t work for me”
Over the years I’ve heard at least thousands of times, “AA just doesn’t work for me.”
In essence this person wants to know the 2nd best way to end their alcohol or drug use. So what have I learned in the past 40+ years about ending alcohol and drug use? What works the best for the most?
Since 1977 when I began my own journey of recovery, much has changed. There are several ideas or options when it comes to getting sober and staying that way. Some do seem to offer success for some people.
Here is a partial list of those “treatment options”:
- CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)
- DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy)
- EMDRÂ Â (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)
- EAT (Equine-assisted therapy) encompasses a range of treatments that involve activities with horses
- Narconon International (commonly known as Narconon) is a Scientology organization that promotes the theories of founder L. Ron Hubbard (not to be confused with Nar-Anon)
- Yoga
- Mindfulness
- MAT (Medication Assisted Treatment)
. . .and many, many more. The list could get very long.
There may be benefits from any of these but none of them, in my opinion, will work long-term as a “stand-alone solution.â€
So what makes the original 12-Step program different or perhaps better?
On July 30th 1950, Dr. Bob (co-founder to the Alcoholics Anonymous 12-Step program) gave a talk (now called his “Farewell Addressâ€). His health was poor and his time was short. He spoke of the simplicity of the AA Program.
Dr. Bob stated:
“There are two or three things that flash into my mind on which it would be fitting to lay a little emphasis. One is the simplicity of our program. Let’s not louse it all up with Freudian complexes and things that are interesting to the scientific mind, but have very little to do with our actual A.A. work (our Twelve Steps).”
So what is the second best way to recover? I don’t know.Â
I like to keep things simple when I can.
Recovery Thoughts written by:
Joe Herzanek/Author,
Why Don’t They Just Quit? Hope for families struggling with addiction.
Read More Recovery Thoughts:
> #100: “I’m Left-Handed. I’m Also Alcoholic.â€
> #101: “AA Just Doesn’t Work for Me.â€
> #102: “It’s Okay To Not Be Okay.â€
> #103: “I don’t see a man. I see my child.â€
> #104: “They tried to make me go to rehab…â€
> #105: “Love the Addict, Not the Addiction.â€
> Do you have to stop seeing all your old friends to recover?
> Is a relapse—failure?
>Should my husband “back off?”
> If someone can stop using drugs or alcohol for weeks at a time, they “aren’t an addict—correct?
>Chronic Pain Management & Pain Pill Addiction: What to do?
>How can I know if my addicted friend or loved one is telling the truth?
>How can I tell if someone is an addict/alcoholic or just a heavy user?
>What is Methadone? What is Harm Reduction?

Updated and Revised
“Q & A with Joe†is excerpted from
Part 5 of the updated edition:
“Why Don’t They Just Quit?
Hope for families struggling with addiction.”
(click above to purchase)
> Recommended Books and DVDs for families of substance abusers and addicts
> Low cost, No cost Alcohol and Drug Treatment Directory
> Drug Addiction and Alcoholism Recovery Resources for Friends, Families and Employers
If you found this Recovery Thought helpful:
please see our other posts (above) and consider reading:
“Why Don’t they Just Quit? Hope for families struggling with addiction.â€
Available at:
> Our website, “Why Don’t They Just Quit?â€
A few of our reviews:
Best book ever about addiction. Written by one whose done it and is recovering. Easy to read, not preachy, just honest. I recommend this book to anyone with an addict in their life! ~Lynda A
Got an addiction problem in your family? Read this book. Joe knows his stuff. This book helps you better understand those dealing with friends and family that are addicted to drugs and alcohol. I have read several of these books but this one is the best. ~RJ
I, like many people, have some knowledge of what drugs and addiction are, but are clueless on what the process of recovery entails. This book does a great job in what it would take to help a loved one, who is an addict and is willing to get clean and stay clean. It also gives one hope that your loved one will survive the nightmare they are living through with their family. ~CG
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