Monthly Review: Our Addicted Child, How Alcoholism Affects Entire Family and more


Monthly Review: January, 2015

In case you missed any of our recent posts: How Alcoholism Affects the Entire Family, Our Addicted Child, A Year Without and Roger Ebert is an Alcoholic. Thanks for partnering with Changing Lives Foundation to help struggling families.

How Alcoholism Affects the Entire Family

Al-Anon Faces Alcoholism 2015

~By Jail Chaplain Joe Herzanek, Family Addiction Counselor and Author of  “Why Don’t They Just Quit? What families and friends need to know about addiction and recovery.”

This article is included in the current FREE magazine download:  Al-Anon Faces Alcoholism 2015  (Page 21).

Alcoholism is devastating to all members of the family. Family members may have watched someone they love turn into a stranger. They ask, “How did this happen? Why didn’t we see it sooner? Are we somehow to blame? How do we make it stop? What if we can’t make it stop?


Our Addicted Child:
That feeling of powerlessness was horrible.

Our Addicted Child

~By Daniel Green (Recovering Addict)
Daniel Green interviews his parents on how they coped, living with an addicted child.

Daniel: So, first thing’s first, what was it like living with a child in active addiction?

Mom: It was horrible. Horrible beyond words. We never knew what to expect. I never knew what to expect and that’s true of the big stuff and the little stuff. When I say the big stuff, I mean thinking you were going to get arrested, overdose, or die. You know what’s so bleak about having a child who’s also an addict?

At the end of your addiction, I wanted you to get arrested. READ MORE

A Year Without

A Year Without.
~By Sharron K. Cosby, Riverview, Florida
Reprinted with permission: from the January,
2015 Guideposts Magazine.

It wasn’t until she gave up something herself that she began to understand her son’s long struggle with addiction.

I thought I could handle it. It had been a few months, and I thought I was strong enough. I walked into the break room, where someone had put out doughnuts for a coworker’s birthday. My mouth watered. READ MORE



Roger Ebert is an Alcoholic

Roger Ebert is an Alcoholic

~by Roger Ebert (August 25, 2009)

After viewing CNN’s recent honest and powerful documentary of the late film critic Roger Ebert’s life, we decided it was only fitting to re-post this article from Roger’s blog: “My Name is Roger, and I’m an alcoholic.  READ MORE


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> Phone Counseling for Family Members
Recommended Books and DVDs for families of substance abusers and addicts
> Low cost, No cost Alcohol and Drug Treatment Directory
> Drug Addiction and Alcoholism Recovery Resources for Friends, Families and Employers

Why Don't They Just Quit? What families and friends need to know about addiction and recovery.
Get the help you need today.
“Why Don’t They Just Quit?
What families and friends need to know
about addiction and recovery

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> Audio Book CD (6 hrs. 54 min.) (LISTEN TO SAMPLE)
> Audio Book Download

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Addicted Child, How Alcoholism Affects Entire Family





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