Set free from alcohol or drug addiction?


Ask Joe:

Can Someone Be Totally Set Free From Addiction?

Can Someone Be Totally Set Free From Addiction?


Can someone be totally set free from alcohol
or drug addiction?

First let’s define the problem. Alcohol or drug dependency shows up as a loss of control over the ability to use socially. It’s been called a chronic relapsing disease that gets progressively worse over time if not arrested. It is fatal.

So if you’re asking, “Is there a cure?” the answer is no. No one has ever been able to return to social use, regain control–who was truly an alcoholic or an addict. That does not mean there is no solution.

Anyone who wants to badly enough–can completely stop their use and begin the journey of recovery. It is not easy in the beginning–but it does get easier over time. If the “want to” is there, people can quit and enjoy a life without alcohol or other drugs. Most will need some support group to get the ball rolling.

They will always be an alcoholic or addict BUT their disease can be–and can stay in remission if they choose to keep it there.

“So, is it a bad thing to be an addict or alcoholic? Certainly not!  Anyone who wants to badly enough–can completely stop their use and begin the journey of recovery. A life in recovery for an addict or alcoholic can be joyous, full and incredibly rewarding.”  ~Joe Herzanek

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Don’t bail them out. A few nights in jail
could be the best thing that ever happens to them.
~ Jail Chaplain Joe Herzanek

Joe Herzanek, Author and Addiction Counselor
If you found this article “Set free from alcohol or drug addiction?” helpful please see our “Ask Joe” posts listed at the bottom and consider reading “Why Don’t they Just Quit? What families and friends need to know about addiction and recovery.”
Available at:
> Our website, “Why Don’t They Just Quit?”
> Changing Lives Amazon Storefront (buy new for much less)

Why Don't They Just Quit? Hope for families struggling with addiction.

Updated and Revised Edition

Updated Edition reviews:
Best book ever about addiction. Written by one whose done it and is recovering. Easy to read, not preachy, just honest. I recommend this book to anyone with an addict in their life! ~Lynda A

Got an addiction problem in your family? Read this book. Joe knows his stuff. This book helps you to better understand those who are dealing with friends and family that are addicted to drugs and alcohol. I have read several of these books but this one is the best. ~Robert J

I, like many people, have some knowledge of what drugs and addiction are, but are clueless on what the process of recovery entails. This book does a great job in what it would take to help a loved one, who is an addict and is willing to get clean and stay clean. It also gives one hope that your loved one will survive the nightmare they are living through with their family. ~Courtney G

Got an addiction problem in your family? Read this book. Joe knows his stuff. This book helps you to better understand those who are dealing with friends and family that are addicted to drugs and alcohol. I have read several of these books but this one is the best. ~Richard J

> Paperback (Amazon)
> Autographed Paperback (and other products) direct from Changing Lives Foundation
> Audio Book CD (Listen to the book)
> Kindle
> Audible Audio Download (LISTEN TO 4 MIN. SAMPLE NOW)

Joe Herzanek
Changing Lives Foundation/President
Author: Why Don’t They JUST QUIT?


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3 thoughts on “Set free from alcohol or drug addiction?

  1. Pingback: Monthly Review: Addicts Don't Want to Die, Grandparents as Parents, Drug Abuse in Older People | Changing Lives Foundation Blog

  2. jherzanek Post author

    Hi Rebecca,

    It can be a challenge to find a good Alanon group but well worth it if you do.

    You might also find it helpful to attend an occasional Open AA meeting.

    Lots to learn there. Maybe it will help your son to see you want to be more involved. Anything that will encourage him is great.

    Strong faith is a wonderful asset (-:

    Blessings, Joe

  3. Rebecca McGuckin

    HI ,
    I have a son that is in rehab for alchohol for the third time.
    He seems to be doing well this time. He is choosing to live in another state and wants to keep in touch as little as possible. As his Mother this is difficult for me to accept but I want to do what is best for him. I have attended AlAnon and not found it helpful only more depressing. I have a very strong faith and find strength through that. My son is hurt that his Father and I aren’t attending Al Anon. Any suggestions.

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